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Go start a franchise for this week and look by Kingang drencase.097094@gmail.com
Active 4 years ago пользователь 1
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  • I don't give a fuck. I'm not purchasing Mut 21 coins or 22. Go fuck yourselves. If the franchise community was critically important we wouldn't get 8 bullet points about bug fixes, obscure talk of X-Factors and telling us the 2020 Playoff format was a fucking feature. Make changes and I won't purchase your recycled crap. Someone else can invest $2000 on your stupid sim license. They have been making empty promises for several years. It is far too late in the dev cycle to allow them to do anything about franchise style for Madden 21. The best we could hope for is improvements to Madden 22. Did you read the article? It just talked about changes that were made to franchise style for last calendar year, which the modifications mentioned really did happen. They just weren't significant.

    "Franchise has come back into being a big focus on the sport and it will continue to be," Young says. "We just need to add this rich immersion and depth to it we're beginning to think about it like a sports RPG." Every year that they hype a lot of minor adjustments and discuss how important franchise style is and will continue to be. And every year it is the exact same outdated and buggy mode it had been a decade ago. My guess is that they Buy Madden 21 coins had a plan for this. Each year they push their luck further and further before discovering our breaking point. This season was there, and today they will add in some sort of compromise which while probably will not be anything groundbreaking, it'll be something to tide us over. I'll take anything at this time. So essentially they're admitting they had no plans to do anything to get franchise whatsoever until people really got mad? Disgusting.

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