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Salmons and Sturgeons reward players with experience by Kingang drencase.097094@gmail.com
Active 4 years ago пользователь 1
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  • 1. Gear up for battle as you'll be fighting reanimated OSRS gold creatures. Purchase or choose from the bank ensouled heads, dramen or lunar team, food and any potions you may need as well as runes which you will use to reanimate souls. 2. 3. Teleport to Dark Altar using Fairy Ring (code CIS) from Edgeville or any other place. 4. 5. Utilize house tablet to heal if you've Rejuvenation Pool and if not utilize Amulet of glory to get the bank in Edgeville. 6. They're worth checking out since they supply nice amount of xp per hour making them great alternative.

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