Introduction To Top Hammer Drilling Tools Selection

Introduction To Top Hammer Drilling Tools Selection by drilling kaiqiu
Active 4 years ago пользователь 1

    DTH Drill Pipe is a steel pipe with a thread at the tail, which is used to connect the surface equipment of the drilling rig and the drilling and grinding equipment or bottom hole device at the bottom of the well. The purpose of the drill pipe is to transport the drilling mud to the drill bit and raise, lower or rotate the bottom hole device together with the drill bit. The drill pipe must be able to withstand huge internal and external pressure, distortion, bending and vibration. In the process of oil and gas extraction and refining, the drill pipe can be used many times.
    The polished pipe and the original steel pipe are made into Top Hammer Drilling Tools drill pipe after multiple processing steps. First, through the treatment of the steel pipe thickening process, the outer surface of the smooth pipe is bent inward, and the steel pipe wall is thickened. In the next step, threads are processed and plated with copper to increase strength. A non-destructive quality control inspection is then carried out, followed by the welding of the steel pipe body joints. Then, the pipe body will undergo welding heat treatment and welding final treatment to eliminate welding residual stress. Before the finished product Top Hammer Drilling Tools is painted and packaged, the finished steel pipe must be subjected to other tests, including hardness testing, pressure testing and non-destructive testing.
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