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Then the jagex team will then decide by Kingang drencase.097094@gmail.com
Active 4 years ago пользователь 1
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  • No way! You are able to go grab yourself because you lost it yourself! Well, perhaps I should find somebody else to grab it and RuneScape gold give this benefit to... Reward? Yes, I have a special reward for the individual to catch it. "Hmm..." What? Count me in, only for the reward however! Mr.Maze will hand you a Ghost-Tracker, a thing required to monitor invisible ghosts around the compass, also handy for spotting just how much health a phantom has left! Thank you gracefully!

    Either option you select, you'll end up hunting down the ghost. The ghost moved fast, so my advice would be to watch its pattern for the sort of maze your in then wait in one spot, waiting for it to come around again. You'll pull out your Ghost-Tracker, and it will magically capture the ghost inside a bottle.

    Hiding Harry will run away with the jar, sending you into a chase . He isn't invisible, nor will he operate through walls, making him easier then the ghost to capture. However, his patterns are often long and occasionally change randomly, which makes him just as tough as the ghost. He runs slow though, and your conduct can catch him up. Right click"Catch" and you'll jump for himtripping him dropping the bottle. Heres the bottle! Now for this reward. Oh! Almost forgot. Heres a product! Mr.Maze will Old school runescape buy gold select a random thing, and give it to you! Undead Crown (10% chance)- Crown of the underworld prince. This crown allows the consumer the ability to utilize the prayer"Ghastly Knight" (Will clarify further on) Ghastly Tunic (30% chance)- The netherworld's royal tunic. This tunic gives magic bonuses (Will clarify further on)

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