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As he continues to appear leading in Kansas City by Kingang drencase.097094@gmail.com
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  • Last but not least for the rising Madden 21 coins players of Week 14 is Baker Mayfield. The Cleveland Browns loyal can be hard on their star players, but Baker played his heart out in a narrow loss to the Baltimore Ravens at MNF. Mayfield finished 28-of-47 passes for 343 yards with 2 touchdowns, but also ran one in himself. His group dropped 47-42 at a nailbiter, including that remarkable fourth quarter. Baker goes up a stage to an 83 overall, while teammate Odell Beckham Jr. slides one to become an 89 OVR in the Madden 21 participant evaluations.

    Despite being amongst the best teams in the NFL this year, the Pittsburgh Steelers suffered their second loss in Week 14. Ben Roethlisberger threw 21-for-37 completions with two touchdowns along with 187 yards. However, he was picked off twice and sacked for a 10-yard reduction. The Bills collected a 26-15 win, while Big Ben slides by two points down to 80 OVR.

    Also falling two things was that the San Francisco 49ers' Mike McGlinchey, as his group's been in disarray this season. McGlinchey has been allowing pressure on the right side which has hurt the group in an already hard campaign. He's now an 82 OVR at the Cheap Mut 21 coins player evaluations. As mentioned, OBJ slid out of the 90-or-better evaluations, while Terron Armstead falls by a stage to a 94 OVR. The New Orleans Saints player hasn't performed up to his normal standards since he had to take time off for COVID-19.

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