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I believe that Skillcapes are a good concept by Kingang drencase.097094@gmail.com
Active 4 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • Kill All The Liars. Prerequisites: For this quest you have OSRS gold to have defeated Demon Slayer. You must have 50 magical as well. You must have the ability to overcome a level 200 demon. Here we go: Hello, child. Thanks so very much for assisting us closed off Delrith forever and ever. You are very welcome. But I am afraid there is another problem. Problem? What could it possibly be? Delrith... needed a father... his name was Kacnia. Kacnia? I was wondering in the event that you could slay this demon because he is mean and stuff. Ok, I will do it. Thanks. Here take this novel. It'll tell you everything that you want to know.

    You recieve the"Old Book," and if you see it says:"1 million years ago the evils of Zamorak forged an impossibly strong demon from the depths of their magic. But the evils of all Kacnia threatened to overthrow Zamorak's power, therefore Zamorak locked this monster away from the pit of everlasting agony. Sadly, however, he was not able to get this done before Kacnia bred using a sheep, creating a monster that Buy rs3 gold might be named called"Delrith." In his boundless power, Kacnia stays alive to this day in the pit of everlasting agony. He has remained held for these decades and will hopfully stay there forever more... forever more..."

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