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Die Casting Supplier by anna xinxinmetal
Active 4 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • The requirements for the selection of raw materials are mainly about the selection of materials for the three aspects of blanking die materials, drawing die materials, and cold extrusion die materials. Next, Die Casting Supplierwill take you to take a look at it in detail.

    1. For the material of the blanking die, a blanking die with a thinner plate is generally selected. Since the material is relatively thin, we must pay attention to its wear resistance and hardness;

    2. The purchase of stretch die materials is different from that of blanking die materials. When selecting this raw material, attention should be paid to non-adhesive performance and non-adsorption performance, as well as its wear resistance and strength characteristics;

    3. Finally, it is the choice of cold extrusion raw materials. When choosing it, we pay attention to the hardness and heat resistance of the raw materials.

    Through the above introduction, Zinc Die CastingManufacturers hopes that you can simply refer to the content of this article in future use.

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