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What are the prohibited things on the escalator? by Web star
Active 4 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • What should passengers pay attention to at the entrances and exits of escalators or moving walkways?

    At the exit of the escalator or moving sidewalk step, passengers should follow the movement of the step and lift their feet quickly, step over the comb plate and land on the front board to prevent tripping or shoes being caught.

    Luggage items such as luggage and hand straps carried by passengers should be lifted by force (the moving walkway can be placed in a trolley), pets should be hugged, and do not stay at the exit of the escalator or moving walkway, so as not to affect other passengers. by.

    Where should passengers stand on the escalator?

    When passengers step on the horizontal running section of the step at the entrance of the escalator step, they should pay attention to their feet away from the edge of the step and stand in the middle of the step pedal. If there is a yellow warning line, please stand inside the yellow safety warning frame. Do not step on 2 At the junction of two steps, so as not to fall down due to the height difference between the front and rear steps when the steps run to the inclined section. When riding the escalator or moving walk, do not touch your shoes or clothing to the apron or inner cover under the glass or metal fence Board to avoid personal injury caused by hanging during cascade movement.

    Escalators should not be used as walking stairs because the vertical height of the escalator steps is not suitable for people to walk, and it is easy to trip or roll down. At the same time, escalators are prohibited in the event of fire and earthquake. Passengers should evacuate through fire-fighting stairs.

    Children riding escalators and moving walks should be supervised by adults.

    Children are full of curiosity and playfulness. They like to climb the handrail or stay at the entrance of the handrail to play. They are prone to abrasions, pinching or falling accidents.

    Non-dedicated strollers and trolleys should not be used on escalators.

    It is not allowed to use strollers, shopping trolleys, luggage carts, etc. on the escalator, otherwise it will cause danger.

    It is strictly forbidden to extend the head and limbs out of the armrest device.

    It is strictly forbidden for passengers to extend their limbs or objects out of the handrail device, otherwise they will be hit by obstacles, ceilings, adjacent escalators or inclined moving walks, and cause personal injury accidents. The property management department should exist at the intersection with the building, etc. Warning signs and vertical protective baffles are installed above the handrails of risky escalators and moving walks.

    It is forbidden to ride barefoot or squatting on escalators or moving walks. The comb plates of escalators can easily cause injury to the feet and hips.

    It is forbidden to walk and run in the opposite direction on escalators and moving walks.

    Walking and running in the opposite direction on the escalator will affect others, prone to safety accidents, and endanger the safety of yourself and others.

    Do not pull back the handrail forcefully in the opposite direction of the handrail movement.

    For details, please contact: elevator supplier.

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