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With the current update in Classic WoW to Phase 6 by wu bbin
Active 4 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • With the current update in Classic WoW to WOW Classic Boosting Phase 6, it's presently a thriller as to the next step the antique sport will take.

    Rumors and conjecture about Burning Crusade servers and Classic+ abound. The new content material of Phase 6, which includes a Scourge Invasion and the outlet of a brand new raid, Naxxramas, has enough to preserve players distracted for at the same time as.

    That consists of some additions that provide characters greater venues to grind rep with anybody's favorite faction of tree-huggers, the Druids of the Cenarion Circle. We've additionally brought some thoughts from outdoor of Silithus for mmobc.com  lowbies or gamers who have had their fill of Ahn'Qiraj, at the least for now.

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