The FIFA 21 TOTS Market Crash Guide - How To Save Coins

The FIFA 21 TOTS Market Crash Guide - How To Save Coins by Dhaval DZ
Active 3 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • The season's Team of the Season has been determined. The group Team Of The Season will be announced first, with the Team Of The Season event starting on April 23rd. This is a group that is completely dependent on the environment. Polls have been launched by EA in which you will vote for the players you wish to see. Following this squad, new teams will be announced every week. Some will soon increase to two a week, and this will last for the next two months. You can save packs and spend with the squad and poor players, open packs, or invest in other high-rated players in preparation for this game. The FIFA ultimate team business, on the other hand, has plummeted in the last week. Player values have dropped significantly in the last week or two, but whether you opened packs from SBCs, squad wars, division opponents, FUT kings, FUT draft, or paid to open packs, you will have received significantly fewer FUT coins this week than you would have received last week.

    Let's presume you were lucky enough to have a special gold edition of Ronaldo on PC last week on April 9th, he would have sold for 760K coins. 570K coins on PlayStation. 430K coins on Xbox. If you could pack the same Ronaldo card this week, you'd just get 520K FIFA 21 PC Coins, 390K PlayStation Coins, and 310K Xbox Coins. This is a significant decrease in only one week. Ronaldo isn't the only one who has seen a 20% decline in valuation; any competitor in the ultimate squad with a significant value of a hundred thousand coins has seen a 20% decrease. They've all come down in price significantly. All of this occurred as a result of the various leagues involving Team Of The Season; as soon as these leagues were published, hardcore players responded by selling their most valuable players in their clubs. So that when Team Of The Season is announced, they would have a lot of coins. They can then buy back the players they had initially at a slightly cheaper amount, use the coins they do have to acquire Team Of The Season copies of certain players, or just buy better teamless season players in general to strengthen their teams once Team Of The Season is completed. This is a good investment, because since you achieved that, you have already maximized your account; you can buy the whole team back from the money you had before and always be in a great spot. You'll be playing for the same side, and you'll have a couple more coins to compete with. Based on the players you started with, you could get anything from 25% to 40% of your money back. If you didn't do anything and are still hanging onto your players, you couldn't reach back in time and fix something, so you can take action from now on to optimize the coins in your account.

    The first point to realize is that the economy will continue to decline in value; this is unavoidable. Those who did sell all of their expensive players last week led player rates to decline as they continued to undercut the cheapest on the market, despite the fact that few fans were interested in purchasing these players for their teams. Other people were panicked as a result of the sudden price decline, and they finally sold their players, causing the demand to drop even further. When EA eventually revealed that Team Of The Season will begin on April 23rd, it caused players' prices to plummet much more. But, believe it or not, we're just at the start of this industry downturn. This is just the beginning for us who are current members of the ultimate squad and are familiar with the competitions that take place every year. Team Of The Season is set to be announced on April 23rd. Last-minute players will run through their clubs, listing their expensive players so that they can get coins for the game, which has already begun, and then the market will collapse. There would be a large number of people opening boxes. If you've been saving your boxes, you'll be searching for Team Of The Season players when you open them. However, the whole FIFA culture would do the same thing. They've either saved packs or thrown money at the players, filled up with FIFA points and ready to open as many packs as possible in the hopes of landing a Team Of The Season player. When the collapse hits its peak, the market will be filled with products, and everybody will be searching for a squad of season players in the hopes of finding them in their packs when they launch. But, realistically, you'll mostly be having gold participants, who will be reported on the market right away. So that those who have lost their coins can easily reclaim them, open more bags, and hope for Team Of The Season teams. This is just a never-ending vicious spiral, and as long as it does, the economy will continue to fall in value. And if you can have a wild tub, such as a gold edition of Ronaldo, odds are you won't have the item in your club when the price drops. Instead, you'll actually sell the Ronaldo for less than the lowest on the street in order to get fast coins, which would be tossed back into packs in the hopes of getting Team Of The Season stars. No one cares for gold players at this point in FIFA, even though they are highly ranked. Everyone wants high-rated special cards, but it's also worth mentioning that most players aren't trying to purchase players at this stage. This has an effect on the economy as well; why will you purchase a rare gold Ronaldo if you believe it would just depreciate in value? So, even if the market is at an all-time low right now, it's only going to get worse, particularly when packs for Team Of The Season begin to open.

    What would you do now that you've realized the economy will continue to decline?

    The first thing you can do is sell some high-priced players you have in your club. As previously said, the economy has plummeted, and it is predicted to plummet even further. Thus, if you have any players worth more than $100,000, it may be a good idea to sell them now and buy them back later at a lower amount. Players have also begun to do so, with some listing their players as recently as last week, but only because the demand has fallen does not suggest it is too late. It'll drop even more, but do the same thing now and purchase the players back next week, or even better, halfway through Team Of The Season, or even better, by the end of the teamless season. When looking at past ultimate teams, the price drop during the teamless season is usually the game's last major market collapse before September, when a new ultimate team is announced. As a result, there's a fair possibility Ronaldo could drop below the 200k level.

    Another option is to save the packs for activities that are not part of a party. You can get none if you open packs right now. The price of gold uncommon players and high-rated special cards is falling, and new promos aren't worth it. You're much better off saving whatever kind of pack you receive for the Team Of The Season, where you'll have a better chance of finding something worthwhile. You won't often get a teamless season player, but it's easier to have a chance later than none at all, which would be a total waste of coins right now.

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