I have zero motivation whatsoever to ever try to play again

I have zero motivation whatsoever to ever try to play again by Skyzhay Skyzhay
Active 2 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:

  • While I'm not sure why this OSRS GP is happening the fact is that it's twice as common with solo bosses in a poll. It's possible it could be an artisanal situation in which Jagex constantly polls players, and then they keep saying that they don't. OSRS needs a solo boss that is both complex and similar to the QBD in 2012. Because it existed in the original combat system that was extremely simple and had complex mechanics at the time, I refer to it as being similar to QBD. The mechanisms shouldn't be the same. However, I think the dragon shield would make a nice drop.

    I have zero motivation whatsoever to ever try to play again. There is no reason for me to even try the game again. The game is to be boring enough that it doesn't make me want to continue playing. In fact, I've become bored of games that Fallout 4 isn’t even on my wishlist.

    I've considered it, but I'm always capable of changing my mind last second and that's a bit insane considering the love I have for Fallout. To give you an example, I purchased Skyrim several months prior to it was released and was there to see the Steam countdown to ensure that I could install it in the shortest time possible.

    I played the game on the day of its release. It was extremely disappointing to find that my laptop could not handle it. So much so, I purchased a better gaming laptop so I could completely enjoy it as well as similar games. It's not that I enjoy TES as much as I like Fallout. I'm getting old, that's why my preferences seem to be finally changing and I can't enjoy games as much as I did in the past.

    RuneScape is a case in which the game was not that interesting. Many of the players I could get along with during the game as well as the community of Sal has left or been very inactive. I'm not able to have anything to keep me going. I had the clan community left, but the only clan I can consider joining is one that has been closed and the core members were moved to games I have no interest in trying.

    It's quite sad to say that my RuneScape life is done. In the past 10+ years of playing the game, I have quit many times and gone inactive many times. However, I am now convinced I'm finished with the game.

    I don’t even check here very runescape gold 2007 often. If anyone has read this and wishes to contact me, feel free to join my Steam account. While I don’t use Steam as much as I used to, it's a much better way to communicate with me than through this site or RuneScape. You can also join me to my Facebook. I'm a Facebook user with a lot of friends on Facebook.

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