Woodcutting is easy and quick up to the 80s

Woodcutting is easy and quick up to the 80s by Skyzhay Skyzhay
Active 3 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:

  • I would suggest saving points for OSRS GP the Slayer Helmet. It's extremely useful and, with the addition of add-ons, it could be used to perform Maging and Ranging tasks too. I'd recommend getting rid of the BGS and purchase an Ss/Whip. It depends on whether you're practicing Strength or Attack/Definition. The Chaotic Rapier could be used to train all three if you would like to buy it. I had this in the past when I was at a lower stage.

    In terms of basic stats I'd expect to get at least 50+. It looks like it's Runecrafting as well. Woodcutting? I took a quick glance of your profile. If you're looking for GWD I'd suggest around 85+ because it appears that you have Extremes and a few Chaotics or at the very least one. Therefore, focus on 50+, then 60plus, 70+, and so on...

    You should be able to attain 85+ in Defense and Attack and you can be able to reach 90 Strength. You'll need an Agility of 70+ if you are planning to go to Sara GWD, and I'd recommend 90+ Range for Arma. The rest of the armor looks fine to GWD, but you'll need Extremes Piety, Chaotics, and Extremes. If you've got decent armour, you'll be in good shape.

    To increase your statistics, do what you believe is needed, certain quests require a certain amount in a skill , and that quest could lead to an excellent weapon, armour, new area or. You're close to 99 fishing and will become more efficient as you progress! You could try some barbarian fishing or live caverns in the rock to earn the cape.

    Woodcutting is easy and cheap OSRS gold quick up to the 80s, and then I began to slow down to maybe a grade each week. This is a very brief guide that will show you the most efficient levels you can achieve: 1-15 Basic trees that are south of the ge or sell them to the ge, cut them into untrung bows and then sell them to a general stores, or burn the wood. Find the most efficient hatchet you can and use it as soon as you are able to use it.

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