
Any reason not to use the rigor? by zoery best
Active 3 years ago пользователь 1

  • Unfortunately, at this point OSRS GP your mind is probably made up. I've turned your query into a persuasive essay :D (more than a debate actually). It's true that your other equipments play a large role in the way Jagex actually uses these bonuses and I find this difficult to conceptualize mathematically. Damage increase with prayer stacks on top of null... There's no reason why you shouldn't have both.

    Like I said that I'm no 120 dg. There are still rewards I want tokens for. This includes CCB Rifour, CCB CMaul and even ring upgrades... If I'm unable to obtain 25k tokens/hr at the very least, I won't use them to pay for chaotics. In addition, why not buy both Rigour as well as CCB? If you didn't notice my point was, which reward would be better to get next. The fact that I'm deciding on one doesn't mean I will end up getting both (although I'm not likely to receive the second one until I'm already 99 range).

    It's using CCB to frosts/slayer. Frosts is a steady 2m/hr. CCB lasts 10+ hours. So a 2m repair is basically nothing. On the majority of tasks, you'll be able to gain a lot more than the amount of cash lost in costs. My the rapier is losing 0-1% for each task meaning a mere 20k. It's nothing in comparison to the amount you can achieve in just one drop.

    Get the CCB you'll use it instead of an RCB everywhere but you will not rigour all over the world. I practice piety for each task. Any reason not to use the rigor? (Actually there's a reason the reason is that range does not receive an excellent prayer reward equipment, such as Proselyte. In order to get prayer bonuses, I'll have to sacrifice, e.g. the Sw cape to Ava's Split D-tooth for ranging amulet ...)

    CCB is worth old school rs gold it at Frosts if I can get at least a couple of minutes increase of speed for each run. I know it would be beneficial, but I'm considering whether Rigour is more effective. It's also the case that I take bolts home even when wearing the Alerter of Ava (not knives however). The additional cost of hitting chaotic will be evident, as Ava's alerter doesn't do anything to lower the cost. Not sure about it yet but I'll have to decide which item to buy as soon as I've reached 90 Dg.

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