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Safety Tips from Pressure Washer Manufacturers by PressureWasher Shengjiang
Active 3 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • Pressure Washer Safety Tips from Pressure Washer Manufacturers

    Never point your wand at anyone.
    Keep pointing the wand down until you are satisfied with the intensity of the pressure. Remember: Our 0 degree red nozzle can etch concrete and it can cause harm to your body. Even if there is no visible damage, the power of a pressure washer can cause internal tissue damage. A pressure washer is not a toy and should not be treated like a spray gun.

    Wear protective equipment.
    Let's repeat it again: 0 degree red nozzles will damage concrete! Sneakers and jeans won't stand a chance. Your feet, hands and eyes can easily be injured. Not only from high-pressure water jets, but also from flying debris. The vast majority of pressure washer injuries can be prevented simply by wearing the proper safety gear. We recommend boots, gloves, long pants, safety glasses and hearing protection.

    Do not operate a pneumatic pressure washer in an enclosed space.
    Your pressure washer engine emits carbon monoxide, which is dangerous to inhale. Carbon monoxide poisoning can cause nausea, dizziness, and headaches. Pressure wash in a well-ventilated area. If you need to use a pressure washer in an enclosed space, we recommend an electric pressure washer. Save your air pressure washer for outdoor use.

    For more product-related information, please click:High Pressure Cleaning Machine

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