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THE PROS AND CONS - Patella Knee Strap by Cambivo Market
Active 3 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • Pro: The patella knee strap is used to take pressure off the patella tendon. Some people will also use pre-wrap (under wrap) or tape before practice to provide the same support. This type of support reduces stress on the patella tendon which can reduce pain during practice.


    Con: But once you take off the patella knee strap, the pain will likely return. The support reduces stress on the area that is sore which allows it to rest.


    You should know that rest does not help tendons build up to be stronger but allows them to get weaker. The best way to help a tendon get stronger is to apply the right amount of load at the right time to promote positive adaptation to grow stronger. The patellar tendon connects to the strongest muscle in the leg, the quadriceps. This muscle is used for all activities that involve straightening the knee, it is essential to keep this tendon strong and healthy.


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