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Types of Knee Supports by Cambivo Market
Active 3 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • There are some fundamental differences in design among the different knee supports:

    Full sleeves

    These support all of the areas that surround the knee. They’re easy to position, and they retain a large amount of heat. Generally, Knee Compression Sleeve are the cheapest and also the best for people with mild knee pain. They are not, however, the best choice for moderate knee pain or injury recovery.


    Open sleeve aids

    These products are designed with a support buttress and a hole in the front, which reduces pressure to the kneecap. This is best utilized by people whose pain is concentrated in the front of the knee.


    Wrap around knee aids

    As the name implies, these wrap around the knee, usually through the use of straps. Rather than having one size, they can be adjusted to fit a wide range of body shapes and sizes. These aids are ideal if the knee is swollen from the injury. Sometimes these aids are open at the front for reduced knee pressure, and sometimes they’re closed-off fully. No complex measurements are required since the size is adjustable.

    Regardless of the knee support type you choose, you should make sure that it feels secure and comfortable. If it’s causing you pain or discomfort, you should look for a different aid. It’s also helpful to get your doctor’s opinion regarding the type and brand of support you’re buying.


    To learn more about knee supports and to find one that’s right for you, visit Cambivo website.

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