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Why Compression Sleeves For Elbow Lymphedema by Cambivo Market
Active 3 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • Compression sleeves help to prevent the condition from worsening.


    Your elbow compression sleeve should:

    Cover the swollen section of your body

    Allow range of motion

    Be snug fitting against your body

    Be supportive but not overly restrictive

    Customized for you

    Be changed to a new one approx. four to six months from initial use

    Your compression sleeve should be worn during the daytime hours and removed at night time.

    Make sure to put them on when you first wake up in the morning when the limb is at its smallest.

    It should be fairly easy to put them on and take them off.

    You want your skin to be clean and dry when you put them on, and you can use rubber gloves to help grip them and avoid any snags.

    Then after you have put the sleeve on you can use the glove to smooth out any wrinkles.

    At night, to remove the sleeve, simply fold it back onto itself to your elbow, then pull it off the rest of the way.

    If you experience any of the following, make sure to contact your doctor or health care provider right away:

    Uncomfort or severe pain

    Numb feeling

    Tingling sensation

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