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River of Flame has clustered monsters by hgdgsvhgvuj hgdgsvhgvuj
Active 2 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • Forgotten Temple, Upper Curast (Act 3)One of the most widely used methods of farming is to locate small areas with easy-to find treasures D2R Ladder Items. Once you have found them, leave the game, and then start in a new way. The most exclusive and unique units can be found, and the more unique the unit, the better. In this instance, use the best of a Mercenary and travel to for the Forgotten Temple.

    The map is smaller than other farms, but it's a benefit of the zone. It's not difficult to clear for one player, and each piece of the land is filled with profitable assets and units. After a run, reset your game and try again.

    River of Flame (Act 4)Moving into Act 4, there aren't many waypoints that can be found in the area. This makes the process of establishing farm spot favourites a little more challenging. This is why most players go to the River of Flame as both an gold mine as well as an opportunity to test whether their character is able to endure some of the most difficult encounters.

    River of Flame has clustered monsters and lava that only Barbarian equipped with Leap or a Sorceress with Teleport are able to use to their advantage. In addition, Hephasto the Armor has a constant desire to get rid of players Diablo 2 Resurrected Buy Items. If they succeed in overcoming these obstacles, they'll be rewarded handsomely.

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