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lutein eye complex by Gerald James
Active 2 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • Plant extracts is the core of biomedical materials and products, such as, rhodiola extract, salvia miltiorrhiza extract, herbal extracts and so on a series of plant extracts. At present has been widely used in food additives, functional food, medicine, cosmetics, and other areas of the production plant. In recent years, with the rapid development of plant extracts technology, in the new marketing model, under the influence of a popular activity or functional plant extracts products, plant extracts products are widely accepted in the world, has a broad market space, and effectively promoted the food additive and ingredients industry, and even the entire food industry development. Is more common grapes around us, for example, the grape skins and grape seed extract is widely used in food additives.
    Grape skins for the grape red skin, the first ingredient is mallow, peony, cui finches, anthocyanins glycoside, etc. China's use of health standard rules supreme use quantity of 1 g/kg, can be used to make wine, beverage, ice lutein eye complex lolly, etc. Just as colorants used at that time, and did not think about its function. Extracted from modern research indicate: the grape polyphenols containing figure glycosides and flavonoids, all have good antioxidant effect, can cut because the risk of chronic diseases.
    Grape seed extract can be used as a spice to a solid drink, grape seed extract is extracted from natural grape seed active nutrition with vitamin E and other major raw materials refined nutrition food. Grape seed extract is extracted from grape seeds of a human body cannot synthesize a new type of high efficient natural antioxidant substances.
    In food additives, natural plant extracts of spices: most clove bud tincture (extract), Chinese cinnamon bark tincture (extract), spit lu tincture (extract), extracts from walnut shell, kola nut extract, bay leaf extract/oil resin, ginger extract (ginger extract), white oak wood extracts, styrax extract, carob extract, soap bark extract, good ginger root extract, spring often saw palmetto extract net oil (extract) (roma), medicine buckthorn extract, summer solstice herb extracts, mo harvard yucca extract, seaweed extract and so on a series of extracts (algae).
    Medicinal plant extract can when food raw material? To roughly plant extracts, and one by one, for example, allows you to use in all kinds of association rules, provide everyone reference.
    Life on the common plant extracts have? Plant extracts ingredients, generally can be divided into glucoside, acids, polyphenols, polysaccharides, terpenoids, flavonoids, alkaloids, such as such as green tea extract, its main components in tea polyphenols; Ginseng extract, mainly contain a variety of ginseng monomer saponins; According to the characteristics of different, can be divided into extract, powder, lens, etc., such as violet leaf extract, hangzhou white chrysanthemum extract.
    Prevailing on the international at present nearly hundred kinds of plant extracts, common has the following six kinds:
    Antioxidants: grape seed extract, green tea extract, pine bark extract, etc., in addition the salvia miltiorrhiza extract have different from other extracts, the role of strength higher than that of vitamin C, vitamin E, mannitol, is best green coffee bean extract known to one of the strongest antioxidant effect of natural products, including blood circulation by removing blood stasis, Dan phenolic acid also has the effect of collaterals, anti-aging and so on also have obvious effect;
    2. The immune modulators: ginseng extract, gynostemma extract, ganoderma extract etc.;
    3. Improve the function of cardiovascular system: ginkgo biloba extract, extracts from lotus plumule, rhodiola extract, in addition, the division of rhodiola extracts with "zero" add pure plant extracts, natural plant rhodiola as the only production of raw materials, the maximum retained the natural plant rhodiola glucoside in the class and flavonoids and other active ingredients, etc.; Salidroside class has spasmolysis acetanilide, strong heart, resistance to oxygen fatigue resistance, aging resistance to microwave radiation, antiviral, two-way fenugreek saponins regulating nerve, endocrine, inhibit the growth of sarcoma, improve the ability of adapt to the special environment stress and HangLi, effectively relieve altitude sickness, regulate physiological function back to normal the righting of thrift, "as-is" special role. Flavonoids, have fall hematic fat, fall blood sugar, expansion of coronary artery blood vessels, hemostatic, antitussive, expectorant, soften blood vessels, improve blood vessel elasticity toughness, reduce blood vessel brittleness, improvement the action such as circulatory disturbance.
    4. Sedative classes: valerian extract, hops extract, etc.;
    5. Categories: natural pigment of lycopene, purple potato extract, etc.;
    6. Functional sweeteners: licorice extract, stevia extract, etc.

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