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Qin Di by Edward K. Nelson
Active 1 year ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • The phalanx is on the move There are more than sixty thousand people Slowly approaching in the direction of Qin City the Knights of Pegasus and the Knights of Magic Eagle are in the air and the remaining four foot battle knights are around Protect the legions of sorcerers in the center It is worth mentioning that Of the four foot knights the first one is still ranked above the Pegasus Knights Ranked second in the entire Order of the Twelve Paladins interactive kiosk price of Falan the Order of the Mammoth led by the Paladin of Shaquille Mammoth Among Warcraft it definitely belongs to the largest category Each mammoth is more than ten meters tall and nearly forty meters long covered with thick dark yellow cuticles A giant elephant Two serpentine tusks are prominent and there is a strong conical horn on the forehead which is about three meters long There is only one direct attack on Mammoth Land That's a collision If on the plain let the mammoth charge Then even the power of ordinary Beamons cannot stop them from rushing forward

    In the form of basic attack These mammoths are somewhat similar to the giant beast of war Gelasius and even their size is similar If there are only a few or dozens of mammoths of course it is nothing although they are a smaller version of the war beast But of course the actual combat ability can not be compared with Gelasius after all they are only seven levels of Warcraft But when thousands of mammoths gather together So Once the charge is made No Marine Corps can resist from the front not the Beamon Corps Not even the Dragon and Wolf Cavalry of Death in Qin City Every year Falan receives tribute from all kinds of resources from eight countries on the continent except for the magic spar which is supplied to the magicians Most of the remaining resources were spent on the twelve Knights of Falan and the Knights of Mammoth was the most resource-consuming battle order At the beginning When Falan established the Order of Mammoth there was only one purpose that is to make it impossible for any enemy to fight against Falan in the front You can see how much they expect from the Mammoth Knights There is really only one way to attack temperature check kiosk Mammoth Land directly However after all Mammoth is a level seven Warcraft how can there be no magic ability Mammoth belongs to Earth Warcraft 。 Their earth-based magic is not enough to carry out the gruesome war trampling or other attacks that Gelasius did However their magic can act on themselves and produce auxiliary effects When a level seven Warcraft has only one magic land then The effect of this magic will never be better than the level 8 Warcraft-UZL This is the case with mammoths whose magic consists of a simple petrified skin When the mammoth added petrified skin to its strong body So They will be like a mobile fortress and all magic below the blue level will be ignored directly

    The defense ability is so terrible that it is not even worse than the Mongolian monster Shaquille sat on the back of the golden mammoth king His weapon is different from that of ordinary knights It is not a long gun thermal imaging camera It's a tomahawk The handle of the axe is as thick as the thigh of an ordinary person and its length reaches ten meters If it weren't for Shaquille he would be three meters tall It was absolutely impossible to use such a terrible axe whose blade was like a huge door plank nearly three meters long shining dark red in the sunshine Shaquille as a mammoth paladin In the ability to destroy and destroy Definitely able to rank first in the twelve Paladins of Falan even if it is comprehensive strength It is only in the second place All along Shaquille has shrugged off the title of Beamon's Army of Marine Invincibility In his opinion The reason why Beamon Corps can be called invincible in land warfare That's because I didn't meet myself and my Mammoth Knights in front of the Mammoth Knights Those Beamons are nothing Of course Shaquille has the capital to be proud of his men Not only is the mammoth strong in defense but it can become a warrior of the mammoth paladin Each is more than 25 meters tall and his weapon is a smaller version of Shaquille's Tomahawk Only when his strength reaches the junior level can he be eligible to join the Mammoth Knights Such a team in the frontal battlefield can wield the strength of terror enough to make anyone feel fear even in the face of millions of enemy troops Mammoth Paladin Shaquille heart will not appear a trace of waves In this case the army of Falan is slowly advancing in the direction of Qin City Sloan is in no hurry

    What he wants is this gradually solidified tension As a Dark Magician How to put pressure on his opponent is easy for him It is obviously the best way to fight to completely suppress his opponent's momentum and break it again In this way we can not only reduce our own losses as much as possible but also encounter much less resistance Anya stands in the center of the ancient tree With the omni-directional monitoring and control system interactive whiteboard prices he quietly observed every layout inside the Qin City Make the final preparations and face the strong enemy She knew she couldn't afford to be negligent At this very moment Anya suddenly appeared The center of the earth is a little empty She suddenly realized that she had always had a strong sense of autonomy but at this time she had a feeling of dependence

    The emptiness in my heart is not because the army of Falan is coming but because Ye Yinzhu is not here Qin City without Qin Emperor seems to have lost its landlord's heart even Anya In this case the mind is also restricted to a certain extent Yin Zhu Where the hell did you go Could it be 。 At this critical moment Are you going to abandon Qin City Nope 。 You're not like that You must be in some kind of trouble but anyway You have to come back Qin City needs you Without you Qin City will lose its own soul! No matter what she was thinking at least on the surface Anya could not show a trace of change Qin Di is no longer The city of the harp is under the command of the minds of these nations If she messes up first then Qin City is really over Turn the direction of the omni-directional monitoring system From the highest peak of the Brenner Mountains It was already possible to see the French Air Force slowly approaching in the distance and the invisible pressure solidified the atmosphere in the interior of the Brenner Mountains The soldiers of all nationalities who have made all preparations are quietly waiting for the arrival of the battle time hsdtouch.com

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