Ling Duyu-Huang Yi _ txt Novel Paradise

Ling Duyu-Huang Yi _ txt Novel Paradise by Caterina P. Bornstein
Active 2 years ago пользователь 1
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  • "One thing I don't understand is why Mr Ling insists on attacking from the air and not from the ground" Charing asked He just pointed out that the attack should be an air-to-land missile meaning that he did not understand how Ling Duyu knew at that time Ling Duyu sighed and said "I hope you know that I am a person with sixth inspiration At that time I felt that there was surveillance and danger coming so I drove for my life but I could not get rid of the feeling of being monitored except for a short time" Speaking of this I sold a suspense Everyone showed attention and interest even Mai Han and Jin Tong were no exception Jin Tong wanted x56 line pipe to know the answer more than anyone else because Ling Duyu suddenly found the source of danger so they could jump out of the car in time and escape the disaster Ling Duyu said "The time when you can't feel the other side's surveillance is when the sports car drives into the tunnel" People suddenly if not from heaven how can there be such a situation just like we look at the ants crawling on the ground after entering the ant nest we naturally can not see it Bryce sighed "From a personal point of view and with my friendship with Jin Tong for many years

    I can accept your statement but it is very difficult for others to believe it" Jin Tong said "Does'someone else 'refer to the old fool of Chief Prosecutor Mo Jian" Blythe couldn't help laughing He turned to Charing and said "What do you think that old man will think" Zha Ling shook his head indicating that he was not sure to convince Mo Jian but the prosecution power was in his hands Ling Duyu felt that of Bryce and Zha Ling the former actually did not believe the whole thing at all but put the blame on the prosecutor which was really crafty "Even if the prosecutor doesn't believe it and the police don't believe it I believe the FBI has something else in mind" he said turning to the rock-faced McHan of the FBI Am I right Mr Meehan! The two of them were stunned Why did Ling Duyu say that Only Jin Tongruo realized something and vaguely captured Ling Duyu's thoughts With a flash of light in his eyes and a rare smile he nodded and said "Mr Ling's sharp thoughts are admirable yes!"! We have another show but for the sake of secrecy we can't say it Now on behalf of the FBI I formally propose to take you away Blythe and Cha Ling were stunned What the hell happened "Please remember" said Maehan! This meeting must be kept absolutely confidential Sitting in the back seat of the Maehan limousine was like being enclosed in a hidden world The windows on both sides were curtained and a heavy steel plate was raised between them and the driver's seat

    This is a security vehicle and whether it can withstand a calf air-to-ground missile is only known by God Thinking of this Ling Duyu laughed Mai Han sitting on his right x52 line pipe was expressionless and did not take his smile to heart at all Jin Tong smiled knowingly as if he knew what he was thinking Ling Duyu's mind turned to Zhuo Chuyuan Will and Wenxi who had been "captured" There was a burst of pain and anxiety in his heart After such a long delay he could not wait any longer "Mr Ling" said Mai Hanshi "I heard your name mentioned three years ago" Ling Duyu answered with a sound "So in order to facilitate the action I decided to tell you frankly" he continued Ling Jin two people in high spirits Mai Han this sentence has a lot of content can not help but keep in mind "About six years ago the FBI set up a special team to investigate bribery among arms dealers government and Defense Department personnel I can't go into the details but I found a very strange thing" said Maihan who still had an expressionless face and seemed to be conveying something related to himself on behalf of others "On the surface everything seems reasonable that is Tyson with its exquisite technology and technology has become the largest defense enterprise in the United States in terms of weapons production and space equipment" The strange thing is that this only happened in six to seven years Before that Tyson only produced second-rate goods and because of the brain drain and poor management it was on the verge of bankruptcy You should know that such a huge company is like a huge fear and its defeat is like a mountain How can it come back to life in such a short time This is the first strange point

    ” "Seven years ago" said Jin Tong "it happened to be the time when Liedan founded the Light God Sect" Maihan ignored his words and continued "After careful investigation we found that Tyson has no outstanding talents at all but the finished products x60 line pipe produced by Tyson are far superior to those of other companies which is absolutely impossible" The second oddity according to some of the Tyson staff is that the new design seems to have come from nothing out of nowhere and it is impossible to find out whose design it is The third strange thing is that Taichen has a large number of new people and all the old people have been dismissed after giving a large amount of compensation Most of the new people in this group are new people who have no experience in this field "Even so" said Ling Duyu "you have no reason to investigate him" "Of course" said Maihan briskly!

    As long as Tyson abides by national security regulations we have no reason to oppose him but he secretly sells high-tech equipment and weapons to foreign countries we can not stand idly by I hate that I still can't get his painful feet Taichen is the most cunning fox Jin Tong suddenly asked "I want to know your authority" 。 Mahan was silent for a moment and said "I was actually drawn from the intelligence agency to take charge of this investigation team Your old friend Shakiro is also a member representing the FBI" Jin Tong suddenly no wonder just mentioned the light God religion Mai Han is not surprised Ling Duyu said "Since Taichen is in charge of the national defense industry and has huge profits why does he still want to make a fortune by smuggling arms" 。

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