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What is the likelihood that Lost Ark popular? by hgdgsvhgvuj hgdgsvhgvuj
Active 1 year ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • Furthermore, it's a F2P game. So bots are easy to develop, which can increase Steam numbers. AGS has been doing a lot of work to Lost Ark Gold defeat the bots but it's a constant battle. From what can be gathered from the recent ban waves The Lost Ark's actual player is a mixture of 100K to 200K per day, with the highest levels of 200K to 250K concurrency when new content becomes available.

    A third point is Twitch views do not provide a great metric for judging the popularity of a game, especially for MMOs. For example, FF14 has terrible Twitch views, yet is widely regarded to be a top MMO. It's true that I'm surprised by how popular Lost Ark has remained on Twitch as well as among MMORPGs they tend to be in competition with WoW in terms of views and seems to be most popular at late at night, because that's when Asia generally wakes up.

    What is the likelihood that Lost Ark popular? Yes. After all that, it's probably the 3rd-4th most-played MMO in the present market.

    The reason for this is Lost Ark is popular:

    It's free-to-play. Most free MMORPGs, especially from Korean origin, usually get a bad rap for being excessively gritty to persuade users to pay for power, also known as pay to win. Lost Ark breaks the mold in a small way by being very generous (for an Korean MMO) to players that are not paid. It doesn't have a 10-year limit to maximum power, like that of Diablo Immortal; free players can generally reach endgame content in less than a year if they play consistently.

    The combat is incredible. Players play Lost Ark for the raids particularly the legion raids. Lost Ark is the closest an MMO has come to incorporating Dark Souls-like combat into raids with the same complexity that are found in WoW or FF14. However, unlike those games it is fast-paced and action-packed that I believe is so much better than the more sluggish tab-target battles of WoW or FF14. If I had to Lost Ark Gold Buy guess I'd say that the action is the reason why it makes Lost Ark alive on Twitch since it's more enjoyable to watch than the other games (personal personal opinion).

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