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There are many things that by ylq ylq
Active 5 years ago пользователь 1
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  • There are many things that touch me in my life. They are like shining gold, shining brightly.as a cold winter, and the north wind was blowing, and the students were not willing to leave the classroom. Only curled up in the classroom. During the third class, I and a few classmates finally couldn't help but play in front of the classroom Marlboro Cigarettes Price. However, because I was not careful, my hand was scratched by a branch. At this time, my desk saw it. He rushed to ask me: "Wu You, are you okay?" After he saw my injured finger, he hurriedly accompanied me to the infirmary. The doctor bandaged my hand and told me: "It is winter Marlboro Gold, the wound is not easy to heal, you must pay attention to keep warm." I nodded, listened to the doctor at the same table, and looked at me again Wholesale Cigarettes. Have a red hand. Quickly put my gloves on me. I refused, but he smiled and said: "Don't mind, we are at the same table, friends, brothers! You are welcome!" Suddenly, a warm stream rushed into my heart. There is something in my heart that I can't tell., he accompanied me to the classroom. Although the outside was bitter, I couldn't feel the slightest a few days, the wound in my hand has healed Marlboro Gold Pack. I hurriedly returned the gloves to my desk, but he said to me with a smile: "You wear it! I am not cold!" I took him. The cold hand said, "Have you wear it! Your hand is very cold Carton Of Marlboro Reds. If it is not your glove, my injury will not be so fast!" Under my persuasion, he finally put on his gloves. In the days to come, we help each other.our opinion, this may be a trivial matter, not even worth mentioning. But I feel that this incident has moved me very much. I will remember it forever and cherish this golden friendship! ? ? Previous essay: Eating small food is not a trivial matter

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