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WoW WOTLK Classic by Letitiawilkinson Letitiawilkinson
Active 2 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:

  • One of the main features of the latest WoW WOTLK Classic expansion is Torghast, Tower of the Damned located in The Maw. The Maw area has been claimed by WOW WoTLK Classic Gold  some fans to be an endless dungeon with a Roguelike mini-game that players must clear each week. The story of World of Warcraft lore, Torghast is where the Jailer resides his most valuable souls. It's made of wings, layers, as well as floors. It's also the main place where players go to earn the Soul Ash needed to craft Legendary items. Players can also find new Champions in this area that can be utilized on the Adventure Command Table.

    Torghast has been designed to give players a brand new experience every time they play it, and with fresh floor layouts and enemy types to ensure that runs don't become dull. You can also play it with a group that is up to five people, and difficulty will scale in accordance with the size of your group. Even though players can play the game at any number of times they want but only one run of each layer is counted towards the power level and earn Soul Ash each week. The progression within Torghast itself is self-contained, players will not be kept any items, currency, or abilities after they've completed the run. There are many places within Torghast for players to experiment with different builds, change their spec, and purchase useful items that help them progress through this dungeon even more fun. Here's how to gain access to the dungeon, run it, and earn the rewards of Torghast within WoW WOTLK Classic.

    Players can gain access to Torghast on the moment they achieve the level of 60 and join their Covenant. Torghast is available when the player has cleared Chapter 1 of their Covenant's Campaign. The layout of Torghast is complex. There are six normal wings as well as a seventh that differs from other wings as only two wings are open every week. The wings of Torghast include:

    Skoldus Halls

    Fracture Chambers

    The Soulforges

    Coldheart Interstitia


    The Upper Reaches

    Each one of the six wings has eight layers. Each layer will be more difficult. Each layer has six floors that must be completed in order. After a player has completed all six floorson a layer, they've removed a layer. They will be awarded their Soul Ash for the week.

    Players are able to finish the layer they want when they've completed all eight layers in ascending order. At this point, they have the option of running whichever layer they like. When a player completes a layer with both wings within the same layer, will be rewarded with all Soul Ash rewards from every layer below. If players have completed layer 6. even if they're not able to complete levels one to five, they will receive all the  WoTLK Gold Soul Ash rewards for all six layers. Of course, Soul Ash rewards decrease with the higher level of difficulty a player goes, so they may prefer to play Torghast on layer 3. which can provide more than half of the available Soul Ash for a given week.

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