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Many testers remain with the firm for many years by Emily lowes
Active 2 years ago пользователь 1
  • In a recent article by Inverse the publication, WoTLK Gold was reported that they spoke with former and current Activision Blizzard employees about the working conditions of the company and also the strike that is currently in progress. Jessica Gonzalez, the founder and leader for ABetterABK (A Better Activision Blizzard and King) claims that despite her requests for members of the QA staff to speak with management to discuss the current crisis, the leadership "hasn't started the door to dialog" with workers. Her assertion was later confirmed by two employees currently employed by Raven Software employees, both of whom opted to remain unidentified.

    "QA is not engaged in the discussions in question," the first employee said to Inverse. "Our request to speak with management was met with silence."

    "Activision's silence was something we were expecting but we were a bit surprised to learn. They continue to publically declare that it is seeking to create an unambiguous way of communicating between employees and management but is actively denying its assertions of openness in private. ABK does not intend to make changes to its toxic practices and change the culture of the company in the near future."

    The article also explored the general disdain that QA testers face in the field, which ranges from long hours and a lack of sleep to not being provided with benefits or stability, as well as proper appreciation for their efforts. According to an unnamed source "Many testers remain with the firm for many years, however they are required to take unpaid breaks during contracts in order to legally be considered 'temporary employees. Temporary contracts are not able to provide the bonuses or benefits that are offered WOW WoTLK Classic Gold employees. QA employees are forced to work all-hours and often shifts, doing essential work to support the development process, but not ever getting the benefits offered for other department."

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