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t he does not enter the ho by ylq ylq
Active 4 years ago пользователь 1
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  • Four thousand years ago, the amnesty bears the heavy responsibility of saving the world. In the face of the flood, the ideal supports him to go through thousands of mountains and rivers, but he does not enter the house, and he is responsible for his wisdom. . Yue Fei, who cherished the loyalty to the country, regained the Jiangshan community, which was responsible for the maintenance of the Great Song Dynasty. Jin Ge Tie Ma galloped the battlefield, and he insisted on killing the enemy with enthusiasm, and vowed to "straight the Huanglong, the three soldiers!" To death, the heart is not at heart. The national hero Fan Zhuxian Carton Of Cigarettes, the department to fight against the Japanese slaves, rushed to the front, defended Liaocheng, "do not hesitate to do everything", and finally to the country. Although the Sze went, the eternal life persisted. In history and nowadays, many people with lofty ideals who dare to act with their ideals, tell us through their straight spine and the soul that they can't fall. In life, the ideal is a long lamp, and it is a paving stone. Ideals are not all dreams, and responsibility is not always easy to pick up. Look at the soldiers stationed in the border, whether in the summer or in the winter, insist on the responsibility of a soldier; the athletes who fight hard in the Olympic Games, sweating is to let the shining five-star red flag rise proudly; the classroom is silent The speechless student Marlboro Gold, in fact, has a lot of shackles on his thumb. His head will also faint when he is doing the problem, but the hand holding the pen is extremely firm Marlboro Lights, writing his own brilliant future, and it is also the future and hope of the country. Very beautiful, they and us are very beautiful. I have heard: "Not all insistence has results, but there is always some persistence. It can cultivate 100,000 blooming roses from an inch of frozen land." After experiencing the small ascension and the birthplace examination, we will usher in the senior high school entrance examination. Always tell yourself: "Every step must go well, every day must be good." We open arms to meet every challenge, as if we have gained strength in the body. I once thought that the writer was a good profession, but later found that this road is also a rugged road full of thorns; friends determined to be doctors, but because of poor academic performance, they retired. But the road to the ideal is never a Avenue of Stars with a red carpet. If you are satisfied with your ideals, you must know how to act, don't know what to fear, don't care about gains and losses, carry a simple and simple heart, work hard, work hard, and work hard again. The last thing you get is the joy of success. "Youth is a journey, if you always I gave up in confusion and finally lost the qualification to embrace beauty." I have been thrown out of the top 20 many times, and biogeographic scores are often much lower than expected. I am helpless and frightened. I knew that everyone had quietly buried a hard-working seed at that time, and it was faint on the surface. In fact, a thick exercise in the table has been marked by a circle. I copied the grades of the monthly exams on the post-it notes, while I was angrily drawing a red circle on it, and wrote: The scores for the birth test should not exceed 6 points... The final exam must be in the top ten... coated with glue On the table, there are only these two goals in my heart. I hold four exercise books every day, mark the wrong one on the book, and then turn it back to the spit; every day I brush the Chinese reading, the pattern of the question type is slowly and thoroughly understood... Finally? Finally, I will test the real place. Only 6 points were lost, and the 10th place in the class was really taken at the end of the period. "I really didn't think about anything. So that feeling, the feeling of running in a direction, it's good." Combining the ideal with the responsibility of today's youth, transforming into an irresistible burden to bear In this way, I feel that my youth, apart from dreams and efforts for it, has nothing, clean and not give up, do not leave, I hope that we can all raise the sails that carry the ideals.
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