Auto Shot does not emit sound when cast while animating

Auto Shot does not emit sound when cast while animating by lucy Sage
Active 2 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • Auto Shot does not  WoTLK Classic Gold emit sound when cast while animating Hunter's Mark as well as additional abilities.Scatter Shot, Wyvern Sting as well as Freezing Trap are all able to provide diminishing returns.A The Hunter's Frost Trap ground effect will take players out of stealth.The frequency at which pet focus regenerates is not always consistent. Notably, while the number of points of focus which can be generated per tick can be variable, the amount generated over the course of time is steady and uniform. There are slight differences in the interval between ticks that cause the display to appear inconsistently.Pet aggro radius is functioning properly and as expected.

    That's to say, it was very inconsistent in the original WoW and remains unbalanced to this day in WoW Classic.Pets "remember" specific targets they were instructed to attack previously . When an animal is sent to attack a different target, it returns to attack the remaining targets it was previously instructed to attack once the current target dies.Pets who have been directed to kill dead targets using the aid of a specific ability, or buy WOW WoTLK Classic Gold attack attempt to come close and attack dead targets and then return to the hunter's position if the ability is not successful.

    Others players aren't able to see the Hunter's quiver in their back.Hunters might encounter a slight delay when casting the Auto Shot following a move. Notice: There's a hidden "retry" timer, which happens in the event that the hunter is moving at the time the normal swing timer is finished. The timer is able to check for movement before trying to resume auto shot, and refreshes the timer every 500ms when the hunter is moving. This means that if a Hunter is moving but is stopped moving right after this timer refreshes, you need be patient until retry timer checks to confirm that you're not moving anymore and you can restart auto shooting. This isn't a result of batching spells or heartbeats on servers, but is specific to the functionality of the Hunter's Auto Shot. This is consistent with the Auto Shot functionality on the Reference client.

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