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Next World of Warcraft expansion is Warlords of Draenor by Emily lowes
Active 2 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • Activision states that the decrease of subscribers WoTLK Gold occurred mostly at the East. The company called the decline "seasonal" and added that the decline in subscribers was similar to what we experienced at the end of the quarter prior to the release of the World of Warcraft expansion Mists of Pandaria.

    Next World of Warcraft expansion is Warlords of Draenor, which launches this fall for PC. The release date of the expansion will be announced at a special event next week which will be held in Los Angeles. Although the expansion isn't officially out yet, it has already shipped 1.5 million units as the pre-purchase phase, Activision Blizzard said today.

    Even though World of Warcraft 's subscriber number has decreased, revenue generated by the game is up, Blizzard tainment CEO Mike Morhaime stated. Morhaime didn't provide specific numbers for revenue, or Actvision Blizzard does not share this information publicly.

    Activision Blizzard also announced today that World of Warcraft has now sold more than 20 million copies. This figure includes sales for World of Warcraft itself and the expansion Reaper of Souls, which was the top PC game in the quarter in terms of dollars in the two regions of North America and Europe, Activision Blizzard said. World of Warcraft cheap WoTLK Classic Gold originally launched as a PC-exclusive, however, it is now available on Xbox 360 and PlayStation. Xbox One and PlayStation 4 versions will launch this month under The Ultimate Evil Edition.

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