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You'll be able to claim these additional chests by Emily lowes
Active 2 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • Lost Ark is getting two more weekends of Lost Ark Gold the exclusive weekend Fever Time event to close the month of the month of July. The event will let you redeem rewards only on Saturday and Sunday. This event will join the newly added advancement bonuses which were introduced following in July's Spells on Spades Update.

    Progression bonuses introduced in the July update remain in operation and comprise Punika Powerpass. Punika Powerpass, by which you can level any character until item level 1302 via a one-time use to use the pass. Also, there are Hyper Express events, which means that any character that is at 1302+ (including any one that is insta-leveled in your roster) has access to a series of progression challenges to help them climb to the level of item 1370. This also joins Abyssal Challenge Dungeons, which will reward players who win with things like honing supplies.

    Now, you'll be able to claim these additional chests if remember to log in on Saturday and Sunday between 3:01 AM and 2:59 AM PT on the Saturday and once during the same hours on Sundays to make claims.

    Alongside its thrilling combat action and the ability to customize your fighting style, another thing that makes Lost Ark one of the top MMORPGs has to be that it has an Emotes system. Emotes enable players to express themselves, whether buy Gold Lost Ark it's a celebration or displaying signs of tension when they are confronted. However, the emotes are a way to bring the world Arkesia in to the forefront. Before you go on, read Lost Ark Destroyer Build.

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