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While FIFA 23 came in at the top spot in Europe by Shaftes buryw
Active 2 years ago пользователь 1
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  • Marquee Matchups always include the ideal fixtures from the real world incorporated into the game. Players can attempt to build squads that match the events of the coming weekend.That typically involves games that are part of the Premier League, LaLiga, the Bundesliga, Serie A and FIFA 23 Coins numerous other international fixtures are also used for when there is no domestic football.

    Like it always does every year, Sony released the most downloaded titles on the PlayStation Store for September 2022. These lists highlight the most popular PS4, PS5, PS VR and free-to-play titles for the month, both in North America and Europe, and there's nothing new that are in store for this month.

    Starting in the form of PS5 Games, NBA 2K23 was the most downloaded game on PSN in September in North America, while FIFA 23 was the top video game on the PSN in Europe (which is no surprise given how popular soccer is in Europe). Another game that was released in September, The Last of Us Part 1 came in third place in both regions.

    Switching to PS4, NBA 2K23 was the most-downloaded game of the month throughout the US and Canada, while FIFA 23 came in at the top spot in Europe. Regarding PSVR Games, Beat Saber was the most popular. 1 game in both North America and Europe, with Job Simulator and Superhot VR coming in second and third place in both regions.

    For games with no cost to play that cover PS5 and PS4 together, Fortnite was the most-downloaded game in the US and Canada as well as Canada. Rumbleverse was the most-played free-toplay game in Europe.

    It is possible to see the top downloaded PSN games for September below according to the data compiled by Sony and shared via the PlayStation Blog.In another piece of PlayStation news, PlayStation's God of War Ragnarok has become gold-certified, because PlayStation announced that the title was developed by nine different studios.

    Sony has ambitious plans for the future generation of hardware for virtual reality with plans in the near future to get 2 million copies of its PSVR 2 headset ready by March next year.

    The mass production of the VR headset was reported to have begun in September (via Bloomberg) and has not yet faced any problems with FUT 23 Coins buy the supply chain. With the PS5 remaining demanded due to its limited supply since its launch in November 2020, Sony also plans to bring more consoles to shelves by the beginning of 2023, according Bloomberg's sources.

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