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Congratulations if you made it darker by de von
Active 2 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:

  • Block breaking attacks do 50-100 more damage depending on the weapon

    Daggers and lightweight weapons, such as rapiers, cannot compete with block breakers. This makes it necessary for sneaky, clever courses to use sly and clever Dark And Darker Gold, and focus on outpacing out maneuvering opponents.

    Congratulations if you made it down here to wrap up.

    All of these elements create plenty of moment-to- moment options and responses you can choose to take and that your opponent can react to, This greatly extends and expands upon the timing and positioning aspects of the game. They also help in creating a feeling of pvp battles that are better and more fair, and not like you're able to win or lose simply based on your statistics, which increases the depth of play for well geared players as well as newbies. IT also avoids the hyper complex combat systems which are available in Mordhau and Chivalry that the majority of the population seems to be opposed to.

    I'm hoping you'll be able to support this thread by discussing the ideas and concepts in more detail, refining them and expanding on it , so that it can remain in the forefront of discussions so that the developers are able to view it and hopefully take action on it in time for the next playtest.

    Really, it's to the advantage of Dark And Darker

    "Current issues: Combat is primarily about movement, and is it about positioning and what equipment you have equip and what your health bar's appearance is. Other equipment can also assist until you enter melee."

    This is not a issue It is an integral part of the game's design. the game  Dark And Darker Gold for sale.

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