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Rocket League teams should already be performing nicely by dakun lee
Active 2 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • To be eligible to  Rocket League Credits compete at the 2023 Winter Major, Rocket League teams should already be performing nicely and earning factors beforehand. The higher a crew finishes inside the Open, Cup and Invitational, the more factors may be earned. The 16 groups with the most points will pass directly to the grand finale and struggle it out on the Winter Major in San Diego.

    A new phase of the Rocket League Championship Series additionally means a brand new set of regulations. While in the Fall Split every event nonetheless had its very own layout, there could be handiest one way Rocket League gets performed up until the Winter Major.

    Each event will begin with a collection level, in which  LOLGA.COM the 16 teams might be divided evenly into 4 corporations. Every (!) recreation is performed in fine-of-five mode, the 3 high-quality teams in every organization qualify for a Single Elimination Bracket. Only from the area-finals it'll be prolonged to BO7.

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