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The first Mokoko Seed is in the southernmost portion by Emily lowes
Active 2 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • In order to enter the area that contains the Mokoko Seeds Lost Ark Gold (and all the giant, loggable mushroom trees), all you need to do is complete the initial quest chain. This gives you the Red Cashew Juice to shrink you down. In case you want to reenter the area, and you’re out of the juice, talk to Pasusu to acquire more for ten silver a bottle.

    The first Mokoko Seed is in the southernmost portion of the island, hiding underneath a cluster of large mushrooms. It can only be seen from a certain position, as the mushrooms cleverly obscure it from sight from most angles.

    The northern area of the island branches into three paths, and the second Mokoko Seed is found on the easternmost one. It is heavily obscured by a small cluster of flora, blending it in extremely well with the plants, so keep your eyes peeled for this one! Even so, you only really need to be near it and the game will offer you the chance to interact with it, without you even having to see it.

    The final two Mokoko Seeds on this island are off-map, but just barely. The secret entrance is found at the very end of the westernmost path in the northern part of the island (it looks like a broken finger).

    Simply step through it and into the cozy-looking Lost Ark Gold for sale, identical to the Village Chief’s Home in Mokoko Village, and you’ll find both seeds awaiting you within.

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