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I am enjoying the game darker by de von
Active 2 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:

  • There is no reason to have a circle. It doesnt make sense. Put portals and then more than the mandatory hell portals. If you don't get the blue one Dark And Darker Gold, then you are in a position to go to hell. Do not die to a circle that doesn't even need to take your health. If they quit the circle then take away the darkness mechanic that consumed them.

    I am enjoying the game, but it feels like they're trying to jam 3 different types of games together into one.

    It's about taking out the circle. Could make the process of going to hell a coin flip (as it is if what you choose to go to hell, it's completely due to luck)

    Also, Circle is a excellent way to get some gear burn otherwise there would be very little (any AI that you meet in a fight and already having loot won't cause you to die on its own)

    and it does make it possible to play at a faster speed (something I do enjoy especialy when i have to do a bunch of stuff for work and can't manage to play a tiny)

    If they want to keep the circle then remove the consuming the circle. There is no reason to not be capable of tanking it if you're wearing heals. This isn't an BR as the collapsing circles causes fights and with more players pushing for an event (now 18) there's less access to all.

    The circular shape allows for faster speed, making the game more enjoyable. Sure, there are times when you get consumed by the darkness when you're the last man standing since a portal is or is too far away, or you're unaware that it's there. I've experienced a few times when i was engulfed by the darkness , with an entire bag of loot. Oh Dark And Darker Gold for sale, yes, i was angry for a second however "play again" was clicked, and now I'm returning to the game.

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