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He might not be the most crucial piece on the field by Shaftes buryw
Active 2 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • Although he may not be the most significant player at the football field but his performance even if it's not noticed, can make any game worthwhile.Kimmich isn't an all-star player in FIFA 23 Coins, but he's always been a reliable central midfielder.

    The most effective skill he has is passing His biggest weakness is pace, which is easily offset by an AcceleRATE system, making him an excellent defensive player.

    He might not be the most crucial piece on the field, however his contribution, though not often noticed, can make any match worth it.

    This is another defensive midfielder that has limited specialization, plenty of stamina, but subpar passing and crossing skills.

    However, when it comes down to CDMs He is surely within the top three of the world. So, if your looking to find a strong defender who is long, then Casemiro might be a good choice.

    Many predict that his rating will continue to decline in the upcoming seasons Therefore, you should take your chances with him now or later.

    This is the second most effective centerback of FIFA 23 behind Van Dijk, who has more speed and stamina and is considered to be a better balanced player in general.

    However, Dias, despite some of his flaws, has one distinct characteristic that makes him a good length player: he's extraordinarily aggressive. This impacts his ability to sprint, and consequently provide solid support to the whole team.

    Do you want to know how to make better power shots during FIFA 23? These shots from FIFA 23 are a bit different from regular shots and if you're hoping to score more goals, then you have to know how to utilize them correctly. FIFA 23 buy Coins introduced new shooting mechanics that allows you to give more power to your shots, but it requires a little training to get comfortable with. This guide will help you understand how to utilize shots that are powered by FIFA 23.

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