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On February 26, my mother took m by ylq ylq
Active 5 years ago пользователь 1
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  • On February 26, my mother took me to Mount Sheshan. The Snake Mountain is located on the bank of the north bank of Yubei Town, very close to the pier. As the name suggests, the Snake Mountain is like a long snake crawling from east to west. There is an ancient tower on the hill, echoing the turtle tower opposite, and it is a famous scenic spot in Yongjia.n I came to the foot of the mountain, I didn��t think how high the mountain was. The steps rise from the foot of the mountain, and there are all kinds of bushes on both sides. The breath of spring has already been transmitted from the shoots. Since I couldn't wait to see the ancient tower, I ran to the mountain in three steps and two steps Marlboro Gold. climbed more than two hundred steps, the front is wide open, there are actually two or three lawns on the mountain Newport Cigarettes Price, the grass is green, and the surrounding trees are lush. The ancient tower stands on the east side of the "basketball court" against the backdrop of the woods. The tower has seven or eight-storey, red-brick towers with hollow, seven-sided and octagonal towers, each of which is engraved with a shrine for the image of Bodhisattva. Due to the age of the age, this ancient tower always gives people a sense of quaintness. are also many places for people to exercise and rest in the Snake Mountain. In the morning and evening, many nearby villagers will come here to walk. The grandfather of Taijiquan is awkward, and the aunt who dances the body dance is graceful. play. Walk through the Snake Mountain, you will hear the sound of the birds, and smell the fresh smell of flowers and grass.ghest point of the Snake Mountain, you can see the river. Under the reflection of the sun, the river is sparkling. The opposite of Jiang is Wenzhou, the city's high-rise buildings and the vast green vegetable fields under the Snake Mountain.beautiful picture, the echo of the mountains and the water, the fusion of the city and the country landscape, the ancient tower of the Snake Mountain is like a kind old man, guarding this lively land ryone has a dream. If the doctor is the darling of the country Cigarettes Cheaper, then the teacher is the mother of these darlings. My dream is to be a glorious people teacher!ger I am to be a teacher, to be the most brilliant career under the sun. If I became a teacher, I would use my heart to conquer the naughty figure Marlboro Cigarettes Price. Let them also know that the teacher loves them Carton Of Newports. Of course, when necessary, I will also give them some small punishments, let the lovely children recognize the mistakes, keep them in mind, and make up their minds to correct them! Most importantly, I want to fall in love with learning in the way they like, and become a useful material for the country. I know how hard it is to be a qualified teacher. I saw that in the middle of the night, the teacher always lights at home, but I don't think I will give up my ideals. I often realize my dreams in my dreams. I stood on the podium, sometimes discussing with my classmates, and sometimes I was serious about class...

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