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Rocket League Season 6 starts on March 9, 2022 by dakun lee
Active 2 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • Rocket League Season 6 starts on March 9, 2022. On the  Rocket League Trading day prior, Rocket League will get hold of an update on all structures with a view to put together new content for the sport. Rocket League Season 6 is animation-themed, with new motors and cosmetics given cartoon-like designs. The new Rocket Pass is filled with items that suit that subject, just like the Nomad vehicle and Nomster wheels. The New Tokyo level has been given a comic e-book-stimulated makeover for Season 6.

    The amusing doesn’t stop with the Rocket Pass; we’ve were given the Fornax Series coming into play as Blueprints quickly after the Season starts offevolved. Featuring the trendy Mamba Car, this collection mixes new and vintage with a few definitely reimagined classics. Slip on a pair of Pixelated Shades: Multichrome or  Rocket League Trading get holographic with the new Troika: Roasted Wheels. We’ve also were given a new Shade Raid Goal Explosion that transforms each fit into the pages of a comic e book.

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