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In the Diablo Immortal's myriad of currency by Shaftes buryw
Active 2 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • If you're hoping to improve your character -- and Diablo 4 Gold the ability to maximize your character is actually what Diablo is all about, you'll require a lot of legendary gems: to choose the best ones that suit your style, to roll good star ratings, to upgrade the gems you haveand finally include them in the gem's extra resonance slots. It's endless.

    In the Diablo Immortal's myriad of currency, upgrade paths, and reward strategies, legendary gems is an area where the model for business bites the most. Blizzard and NetEase haven't been as extravagant as to market directly using a loot box or gacha mechanic but what they've created is, in a way that is even more troubling. Legendary gems are only available from the bosses that are randomly placed in Elder Rift dungeons, and you can only ensure an epic gem drop by applying the legendary crest modifier to the dungeon before you start the dungeon. If not, the drop rates for gems with legendary status are extremely low.

    For those who do not pay for the game, you will only collect one legendary crest every month. Buying an account for battle will only provide you with one or two more legendary crests per month. Beyond that, you'll have to purchase them directly. Legendary crests are priced approximately $2 and $3 per piece. The huge number of gems needed to maximize your character's equipment especially when you consider the low drop rates for five-star gems, is one of the reason the cost of maxing your character's abilities for Diablo Immortal has been estimated at somewhere between $100,000 and $50,000perhaps more in the event that you go deep into the system of gem resonance. (Rock Paper Shotgun offers an extensive breakdown of costs that is at the more conservative end of this scale.)

    Diablo Immortal has been given an extremely rough ride in this business model and perhaps in a way given that popular free-to-play competitors such as Genshin Impact and Lost Ark do not lack similar gacha mechanics to lure in large-spending "whale" users. Diablo's reputation and fame with a large PC gaming population, built over the span of nearly a quarter century, is surely one of the reasons. But it's also true that Diablo's gaming system is notoriously problematic, and the very nature of Diablo games has something to do with Diablo IV Gold that.

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