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Rocket League Sideswipe's futuristic Season 5 by dakun lee
Active 2 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • Rocket League Sideswipe's futuristic Season 5 with Rocket League Trading  a brand new Rocket Pass and demanding situations is live now

    Psyonix has just released the subsequent season for its famous car-based cellular sports sport Rocket League Sideswipe. Players were taken to the beyond inside the preceding season, which had a medieval topic. This time, assume to be sent years beforehand as Sideswipe’s 5th season takes place inside the future in which the whole thing has a excessive-tech aesthetic.

    Just like every season, season 5 features a brand new Rocket Pass, Seasonal Challenges. Volleyball Mode is likewise coming round again in  RPGAH.COM Ranked suits. Players can down load the update from their Google Play or the App Store.

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