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Diablo 4(opens in a new tab) will be an open world by de von
Active 2 years ago пользователь 1
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  • Diablo 4 is "more of an adventure that branches Diablo IV Gold," he said, and players are able to choose the sequence in which they play the main parts of the game, and later play them in a different sequence in a replay for a completely different kind of result. Of course, there'll also be many opportunities to play around with other items and not focus on the main story If you wish.

    "That's the great thing about the world of openness, there's many side quests and things that you can do that aren't part of the campaign gold path" Fergusson said. "And the fact that the Golden Path is an extending path , allows you to choose when you'd like to make the branches and in what order."

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    Home News Action Diablo 4

    Diablo 4 developer says that players want open world and freedom of choice, but they also want to know which direction to take'

    By Andy Chalk published November 12, 2022

    Blizzard has released more details about its open-world approach in its upcoming action RPG.

    Diablo 4(opens in a new tab) will be an open world, however Blizzard hasn't been specific about what that means. In a recent interview with IGN(opens in a new tab) Game director Joe Shely and Diablo general manager Rod Fergusson went a bit more in depth about what players can anticipate when they return to the Sanctuary buy Diablo 4 Gold. Sanctuary.

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