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Additionally if you don’t have a trading card by dakun lee
Active 2 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • Additionally, if you don’t have a trading card, you may study your buy records. Click to your name on the very pinnacle right of Steam and pick out Account Details. On your Account web page, click on View Purchase History. You can hit Ctrl+F to deliver up a web page seek and sort in Rocket League, and you will be Rocket League Credits  able to scroll through all your Rocket League in-sport purchases.

    If you’re an Xbox player, it’s plenty more straightforward. Click right here to view your Xbox buy records. After you check in, you could view all your buy records on Xbox, along with a Game Pass subscription and any in-game purchases you make.

    For PlayStation players, you can go to PlayStation’s website and sign up. Under the Account Management web page, choose Transaction History and you'll be able to view all the purchases you made beneath an account. You also can discover this facts on  RPGAH.COM your PlayStation by means of going to:

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