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The moment Diablo Immortal was first announced at Blizzard by Meade Dorian
Active 2 years ago пользователь 1
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  • The moment Diablo Immortal was first announced at BlizzCon 2018 , it was announced as mobile-only. it was met with a scathing reaction from the fans D2R ladder items, who demanded whether the announcement of the game was an April Fool's joke, or if the game was also coming to PC. Blizzard stated that the players were the ones in touch by asking "Do you have no phones?"

    While part of Diablo Immortal's terrible announcement was due Blizzard's hardcore PC-centric fans eagerly anticipating Diablo IV and instead getting something entirely distinct, the negative reaction is also due to the logical perception that free-to-play mobile games are been branded as having a plethora of predatory microtransactions. The idea of a heavily monetized, pay-to-win Diablo game sounded like the antithesis of everything Blizzard stood for.

    As time went on and Blizzard finally announced Diablo Immortal would also release for PC and PC, some long-time Diablo and Blizzard players, like myself would have hoped Blizzard would make use of Diablo Immortal to challenge trends in mobile gaming and instead offer a professional, freemium title fans of the franchise would be proud of, and some of those came to fruition.

    Diablo Immortal is undoubtedly fun. It is a great mobile game and comes with top production qualities, especially when you consider it a free game on your phone. It's entirely possible for casual gamers to play through and experience the main storyline without having to spend money. However, as every fan knows, Diablo largely begins once the main story is complete and Blizzard is taking advantage of this for Diablo Immortal.

    The biggest disappointment with Diablo Immortal stems not from its inclusion of numerous microtransactions, or that it's pay-to-win. It comes from the sad reality that instead of using Diablo's mobile release to help move the mobile RPG landscape forward like Blizzard has done with numerous genres in the past buy d2r items, instead, it opted to adopt some of the worst practices that the platform has ever seen.

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