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Huawei 5052 aluminum sheet for sale | Aluminum Supplier by xuanxuan geng
Active 2 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • Huawei 5052 aluminum sheet for sale is one of the representative high magnesium alloy of 5000 series aluminum, it has the characteristics of good rust resistance and high hardness. 5052 aluminum alloy is widely used in equipment appearance, grinding tool stamping and other fields. The 5052 aluminum sheet is an AL-Mg alloy aluminum, Magnesium is the main alloying element, it is the most widely used type of anti-rust aluminum.
    5052 aluminum sheet for sale is mainly used for high plasticity and good weldability. It is also commonly used in sheet metal parts of traffic vehicles, ships, meters, street lamp brackets and rivets, hardware products, electrical enclosures, etc. It can also be used in the manufacture of aircraft fuel tanks, oil pipes, and aerospace aluminum alloy materials. It is a typical antirust alloy material.
    The most commonly used temper of 5052 aluminum sheet is H32, and the most commonly used temper of 5052 aluminum plate is H112. These two states are the most widely used.
    5052-H32 aluminum sheet is a hot-rolled aluminum sheet, which is mostly used for thin plates. Depending on the production process, it is generally 1-2 times cold-rolled, annealed, and finished into a finished product after hot rolling on a hot-rolling mill.
    5052-H112 aluminum plate i5052-h112 aluminum plate is heat worked and hardened, which is mostly used for thick plates.
    5052-H24 aluminum plate belongs to hot-rolled aluminum plate. There are few applications of aluminum plate in this state, so few manufacturers produce it.
    The 5052-O state aluminum plate belongs to annealed aluminum plate, and is commonly called soft state.

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