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The lesson is annoying, but it is good f by gfgfgfgfgfgf5 gfgfgfgfgfgf5
Active 6 years ago пользователь 1
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  • The lesson is annoying, but it is good for our growth. Who doesn't want to? day, the math teacher hurried into can review the contents of this unit in this section Online Cigarettes. Students should listen carefully! The teacher began to review. At the beginning, I listened carefully to the teacher's review, but the topic was too simple. I heard that I wanted to go to bed. "������,������..." After class, I said to myself. Dao: These are too simple! I will definitely take a test for the exam! The next day, the teacher hurriedly ran into the classroom and prepared for the exam. I got the test paper and wrote the class, name, and student number quickly. After browsing the test papers, I answered them with great enthusiasm. Soon, the test papers were finished by me in threes and fives. I whispered: "These questions are really simple! At this time, the teacher said seriously: "The classmates who have finished the work carefully check, and there is often a ��hole��! . "Although the teacher said this seriously, but I am as chic as a "smart brother" - draw a villain on the draft paper, play with the pen, stay there... Anyway, I just don't check. "������,��Bell..." After class, I confidently handed in the volume. Soon, the teacher gorged the test paper, and the teacher read: "Someone or a certain classmate is ninety-one points, a certain classmate is ninety-seven points, A certain classmate is ninety-nine points! A certain classmate Marlboro Cigarettes Online..." I said with eagerness: "How did the teacher still read my name?" Will the teacher lose my test paper? ""yellow Marlboro Menthol 100S. . . what? what? "The teacher was puzzled and thought that it was my test paper. When I sent it down, I didn't dare to look at it - eighty-one points! This score made me return to God for a long this lesson, I am no longer so complacent and self-satisfied. I concentrate on the class, answer the questions seriously, and finish the exam... This lesson is always reflected in my heart Newport Cigarettes Price. Whenever I think about it, I will stay for a while, now I still The memory is still fresh. The so-called "a misstep into a thousand hate!" "Hey! The end of the world, just today. Who is going to lie! Three-year-old children are going to believe," I sat in my seat and shook my head and said: "Mr. Hippo, are you The water has been blowing for a long time, and the brain has entered the water." He was ashamed and angry when he heard me. When he took a shot, he said, "Wait for you." Turned away.w, the so-called end of the world, predicted by the Mayans, is always talking about whether the end of the world will come. I can't answer this question clearly, who knows! Ann is in the heart of bell, �� bell. After class, under the horrible homework of the language teacher, no one in the class was talking about the end of the 2012 world Carton Of Newports. Had to concentrate on writing homework. (Helpless, 5555555) In my opinion, this is a terrible thing than the end of the world.big things are not good, classmates, men, women. Take English BOOK, and review quickly." A student in the middle and lower reaches of our class screamed. We all have a fever for his brain, and the letter is open. But he is my same table, I am curious, I still ask. "You said that the teacher exam is true!" I whispered. He nodded quickly, but I still think it is a fake. I have another class. My conversation with him was not too reassuring. After all, in the next class of mathematics, I think that the cloud in my heart is gradually spreading. My doubts are heavy, I am still not at ease. Hurry and take the book for a while.is really fast, I am still reviewing, but there is a class in the blink of an eye. During this short time waiting for the teacher, my little heart pumped water to fifteen buckets (note: seven up and eight times). I have never expected a math teacher to come as I am now.ssed by, I saw a pair of shoes, a pair of trousers, a dress, and an English teacher's face and white papers. (%>_<%5555, so scared, are you! I renegeed, I should not say that today is the end of the world.

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