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Classification of cone crusher by Lu Fan
Active 5 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • Cone Crusher Of 70 Tph is a hydraulic crusher with mature power, large crushing ratio and high productivity. The structure design of the cone crusher is obviously different from the traditional cone crusher. The cone crusher structure produced by the Henan Shibang crusher supplier mainly includes a frame, a horizontal axis, a moving cone, a balance wheel, an eccentric sleeve, and an upper crushing wall (fixed Cone), lower crushing wall (moving cone), hydraulic coupling, lubrication system, hydraulic system, control system and other parts. This machine digests and absorbs various cone crushers developed in various countries with international maturity in the 1980s.  Cone crusher is divided into several types, including spring cone crusher, CS series high efficiency spring cone crusher, HPC hydraulic cone crusher and HCS series high efficiency spring cone crusher, high efficiency hydraulic cone crusher, Recently developed spring hydraulic composite Simmons cone crusher.

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