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RELATED: FC 24: How To Perform A Power Shot by Dinhvand123 Dinhvand123
Active 1 year ago 1 member
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  • His unique body type immediately helps to Fut 24 Coins give Zaha an edge, but it his silky smooth ball control and dribbling that make him a blessing on the edge of the pitch. Zaha motors up and down the wing with ease, and is among the best Shapeshifters available. His Giant Throw In trait makes him a surprising threat along the sidelines using more than just his foot speed.

    5 Shapeshifters Eduardo Camavinga Four-Star Skill Moves Four-Star Weak Foot High/High Work Rates
    Much like Zaha, Camavinga also moves out of the midfield and into a defensive role as a Left Back, where he often played in real life during the season. The Shapeshifter promo corrects his position and boosts his attributes to sublime levels with an incredibly well-balanced card.

    There are simply too many attributes to fawn over here ndash; especially given that Camavinga is a Left Back who can utilize all of those offensive and defensive qualities. Feel free to move him back into a midfield role in your in-game tactics, but Camavinga Pace, Physicality, and seemingly magnetic feet make him a menace of a defender.

    4 Fantasy FC Heroes Saeed Al Owairan Four-Star Skill Moves Four-Star Weak Foot High/Med Work Rates
    Saeed Al Owairan is a name that will live in FC infamy alongside such iconic names as Ighalo and Ibarbo. This man is known as one of the biggest cheat codes in FC due to his unique blend of top-end Pace and wonderful offensive stats.

    Fut 24 Coins

    At the beginning of the FC 24 cycle, every meta-relevant team boasted a version of Al Owairan, and he remains a useful player to this day. His lean body type gives him a slippery quality that gives defenders nightmares, especially considering his 99 Pace leaves little room for a defensive error.

    3 Team Of The Season Chris Smalling Two-Star Skill Moves Three-Star Weak Foot Med/High Work Rates
    While his attributes are incredible, Chris Smalling cheap Fut 24 Coins excellent Team of the Season card was never expected to be the monster it is. The Skill Moves and weak foot are somewhat low, but those are negligible given Smalling role as a purely defensive center back.

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