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EAs FC 25 and Konami's Pro Evolution Soccer by Ludwighench hench
Active 4 months ago пользователь 1
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  • However, those same investors apparently understood that wasn't really an answer to the question of whether or not 2K would like to take over the FC 25 Coins franchise if EA goes another direction. When he was pressed for a yes or no, he still didn't directly answer the question. However, Zelnick did divulge that he'd at least given it some thought, saying it would be a big step forward for the company and it'd never been in the soccer video game business before.

    Of course, while the rumblings inside the industry point to a divorce between Electronic Arts and FIFA, that divorce is not yet official. All this talk of other companies could actually end up being nothing more than talk. This may be one reason why Zelnick isn't committing to making a play.

    It may sound ridiculous considering this year‘s installment only released over a month ago, but EA is most definitely already planning out next year‘s FIFA title. Considering it needs to release a new entry every year, production probably started before FC 25 was even out. There are plenty of questions surrounding the FC 25 Ultimate Teamure of the FIFA series at the moment, but it at least sounds like EA plans on doubling down on customization content.

    According to a job listing at EA Sports posted on LinkedIn, the company is looking to hire someone to serve as a producer/product owner/creative for the buy FIFA 25 Coins series. While the listing doesn‘t mention it by name, whoever gets the job would be responsible for bringing customization content to players in the live-service, which has to be referring to FIFA 's Ultimate Team mode.

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