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How to Secure a Home in LEGO Fortnite Brick Life by katharine katharine
Active 2 months ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • As you dive into the vibrant world of LEGO Fortnite Brick Life, one of your first goals will be to secure a home in the bustling city of Brick Bay. Whether you dream of a cozy beachside retreat, a sleek high-rise apartment, or a peaceful suburban mansion, there’s a wide variety of properties available—but first, you’ll need to know how to claim your dream home.

    In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of getting a home in LEGO Fortnite Brick Life, from finding the perfect plot of land to unlocking new home styles.

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    Step 1: Finding a Vacant Lot
    To start your journey as a homeowner in Brick Bay, you’ll first need to locate a Vacant Lot. These plots are scattered across the city, and they are marked on your in-game Map with blue-colored icons shaped like a house. Whether you’re looking for a quiet suburban area or a spot near the action in the heart of the city, the Vacant Lots are easy to spot and offer plenty of variety.

    Once you’ve selected a Vacant Lot that appeals to you, simply head to the lot and interact with the red-colored sign in front of it to claim the space. From here, you’ll be ready to select the type of home you’d like to build or place on your new property.

    Step 2: Claiming a Traditional House
    Most of the Vacant Lots for traditional houses are located in the southern and eastern parts of Brick Bay, just outside the busy city center. After you’ve selected your Vacant Lot, the next step is to choose a home style from the "My Homes" menu. Depending on your progress in LEGO Fortnite Brick Life, you may have already unlocked some home styles through the LEGO Fortnite Odyssey game mode or via the LEGO Pass.

    Once you’ve chosen your home style, place it on the lot, and voilà—you’re now a homeowner in Brick Bay! Whether it’s a Simple Shack or a Classy Craftsman, you’re free to begin decorating and making your house your own.

    Step 3: Finding Apartments or Penthouses
    If you prefer city living, LEGO Fortnite Brick Life offers apartments and penthouses in the heart of Brick Bay. To find these high-rise options, open your Map and search for skyscrapers marked with the blue house icon or explore the city on foot until you spot buildings with house-themed billboards.

    To claim an apartment, enter the building’s elevator and select a Vacant Flat on one of the available floors. Each floor offers different apartment layouts, so choose the one that best suits your style. If you’re willing to splurge a little, you can even secure a luxurious penthouse for 1000 in-game currency. Take the elevator to the top floor, interact with the red sign, and select your penthouse layout to finalize your claim.

    Step 4: Unlocking New Home Styles
    When you first start, you’ll have access to two basic home styles: the Simple Shack and the Classy Craftsman. However, as you progress, you’ll unlock more extravagant options. To purchase new home styles, open your in-game phone and access the Homes app to visit the Home Shop. Here, you can spend your hard-earned money on premium home types like The Starlet and others.

    Additionally, LEGO Fortnite Brick Life offers exclusive home styles through the LEGO Pass. As you progress through the pass, you’ll unlock rewards like Raven’s Tower, which can be used to customize your home and take your living space to the next level.

    By following these steps, you’ll be able to claim your dream home in LEGO Fortnite Brick Life and customize it to your heart’s content. Whether you're settling into a house in the suburbs or a penthouse in the city, there’s a home for every kind of player.

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