Madden 25 requires a star to make it big ahead of EA Sports

Madden 25 requires a star to make it big ahead of EA Sports by Ludwighench hench
Active 2 months ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • One of the coolest things I've seen is a few obstacle animations. Watching a skilled linebacker make over chop blocks and sprint towards the quarterback is an enjoyable feature. Defenders are more likely to play Mut 25 coins their zone more loosely than they did in the past, which allows the defense to change more easily than they did previously.

    Like the absence of momentum that is evident in the running game It doesn't seem like there's a constant pushing on both sides of the ball. If you're running in front of the defensive lineman, and then getting blocked - as if the two players were in a the middle of a wrestling match that has been scripted - it's like the decision was made before the ball was taken.

    There's a lot of incompetence from defense players as well as the CPU. When a play is played prior to the half, the CPU can attack linebackers and then drop into a tense zone. Defenders will make a move towards the ball even if they're not towards the direction of the ball. It is important to note that this has been happening less frequently than in the past.

    Punting and kicking is more real than ever before, in part because football is able to function more naturally. The call to play seems a bit more energetic as the CPU plays more cautiously when their backs are against the wall, and somewhat less risky when they have space for it. The blocking strategies of the game are more comfortable and look better which means less head scratching mistakes.

    The same blocking techniques that have improved in passing and running games are virtually absent on punt and kick returns. While the special team game (as in general) is improving however, punt and kick returns remain boring and don't have the potential for large, exciting returns. Particularly on the CPU side of things. With cheap madden coins the simple sacks and bizarre play calls, exploitation of the CPU is not easy, even though it is more challenging than in previous versions.

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