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I am a greedy ghost by ylq ylq
Active 5 years ago пользователь 1
Basic Information:
  • I am a greedy ghost, walking around with snacks all day. Today, I fell asleep eating snacks and woke up to a new country. ere is a huge castle made of biscuits. When I haven't figured out why it is so big, I suddenly walked out of the castle with an elf wearing a green dress and a green pointed hat Buy Discount Cigarettes. A pair of wings like a dragonfly, the whole body sparkles. I asked him, "Who are you?" When I looked at him intently, he smiled and said Newports Wholesale, "I am the green elf in the castle. I welcome you to the food kingdom. The king asked me to show you." The house for you, go around and look around." "Okay, let's go," I am happy to answer.ore coming to my house, I was shocked by everything in front of me. The house was made of chocolate. When I walked to the door, I found that the door was made of lemon. When I walked into the house, I saw that the glass was made of jelly, and the pillow was cotton. Made of sugar, the carpet is made of biscuits, the bed is made of giant sugar cubes, the table is made of bread, and the water and various drinks are flowing out of the faucet. I am excited to see the west. Suddenly, the elf said, "Let's go outside and see." I came to the street and found a house made of various foods, including vegetables, sweets, and fruit... I just had to pounce on it. Woke up with a rush of ringingI am a little raindrop in the spring. The departure of the winter girl is the moment to wake me up. am a little raindrop in the spring, listen, who is calling me. Oh, it turned out to be it - small flowers, I came to the garden, a little flower called me, as if to say, "Rain girl, rain girl, sprinkle nectar, we are so thirsty." After listening, I will Sprinkle the nectar Buy Wholesale Cigarettes, the flower is laughing, it seems more beautiful than before.am a little raindrop in the spring. I came to the lawn Cheap Newport Cigarettes Cartons Online, a small grass, looking at me, like saying "the rain girl, the rain girl, we miss you." Then I sprinkled the rain. The flower blossomed and seemed to be more beautiful than before.am a little raindrop in the spring. I came to the lawn, a small grass, looking at me, like saying, ''Rain girl, rain girl'', we miss you, then I will shed rain and dew, one The dewdrops appear more crystal clear on the top, and the small grasses stretch out straight, and they feel more energetic than before.m a little raindrop in the spring. I came to the vegetable field and I was listless Duty Free Marlboro Cigarettes. I poured it into the vegetable field, and later they will grow greener and greener.m a little raindrop in spring, happy little raindrops, I help the little flowers become more vivid, the grass becomes greener, and the vegetables grow stronger. This is me, a helpful raindrop, I give the earth Brought happiness, this is me, a happy little raindrop.

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